Getting started

Step 1: Create and setup your company’s workspace

Who: Company Admin

Makers have edit access, while Members have view-only access.

If your company uses Word, please contact us to enable the integration on our end.

More details on workspace settings.

Step 2: Create your first launch(es)

Who: Makers

You have 3 options to create a launch: from scratch, from a template, or by importing from your project management tools.

Create a launch from scratch

Create a launch from a template

Templates allow to standardize launch process across the company by predefining the high level parameters such as stages, milestones, the necessary resources and who should be involved in the process.

Create by importing launches from your project management tools

If your company’s workspace has not been linked to your tool of choice, you can enable the link by clicking on “link” or in Settings > Integrations.

For more information, check out our documentations on the Jira, Asana and ClickUp integrations.

Step 3: Explore the Launch details page

Who: Makers

Luna structures launches around high-level milestones shared across all teams involved in the launch process. Unlike tasks, which measure work, milestones measure progress. Milestones can be linked to resources, updates, risks, and decisions, providing qualitative context on progress.

Milestones are mapped to stages. This allows to automatically trigger relevant milestones and notify responsible owners and approvers when transitioning from one stage to another. The stages of your launch can be modified in the Stage management module in Settings.

You don’t have to fill out every module to benefit from Luna’s capabilities!

Last updated