ClickUp integration
Integrating Luna with ClickUp allows you to import your Lists or Tasks and keep them in sync in Luna. Linking your Lists or Tasks to launches in Luna will 1) give visibility to all stakeholders about upcoming launches and milestones details and 2) allow you to save hours on project management, by keeping ClickUp and Luna in sync.
How can I connect to ClickUp?
You can connect to ClickUp on any of the following pages:
Sign up flow
Create a new launch page
Settings >> Integrations page
Launch page >> Milestones >> Import from ClickUp
By clicking on “link” on any of these pages, you will be redirected to the ClickUp OAuth flow, during which you will consent to the permission scope required by the integration.
The connection between ClickUp and Luna is a workspace to workspace connection. It’s enough for one user (preferably admin) to connect to ClickUp, for all users to be able to leverage the connection in Luna.
How can I import issue(s) as launches in Luna?
As a user, you can import any of the following issues: list and task. We recommend you to import issues which need some level of cross-functional and vertical collaboration and visibility:
If you import one issue → you will be redirected to the launch detail page (LDP) of the imported issue
If you import more than one issue → you will be redirected to the All launches page, which will display the issues you have imported
What launch fields do you import/sync with ClickUp?
The following fields will get imported in Luna and will stay in sync with the launch fields:
How can I import issue(s) as milestones in Luna?
As a user, you can link your ClickUp issues to new or existing Luna milestones:
Create new milestones by importing one or more ClickUp issues into Luna. This is done by clicking on the “Import from ClickUp” CTA, in the milestones module.
Link an existing milestone to a ClickUp issue. This is done by clicking on the “Link milestone” CTA in the hamburger menu of each milestone.
Milestones data will remain in sync with any changes made to their linked issue, in ClickUp.
What milestones fields do you import/sync with ClickUp?
The following fields will get imported in Luna and will stay in sync with the milestones fields:
How can I sync a launch with ClickUp?
By default, syncing is enabled. In order to stop syncing your launch and milestones with ClickUp, you will need to opt out from the syncing option available in the LDP hamburger menu:
One sided sync - from ClickUp to Luna:
Luna uses ClickUp webhooks to keep the data in sync. As a result, a change to a ClickUp issue field will trigger the corresponding LDP to refresh with the updated ClickUp issue data. However, changing the data in Luna will not update the issue data in ClickUp.
For example, updating the launch date in Luna, will not update the ClickUp issue due date. However, updates to the ClickUp issue due date or any other ClickUp field (in table above) will be reflected in Luna.
[Backlog] We’re exploring launching a 2-way sync and more controls on data mapping and syncing
How can I link ClickUp issues to a Luna template
While importing issues from ClickUp, you can link one or more issues to a Luna template. This will allow you to create a more complete and streamlined launch, taking into consideration ClickUp data complemented with predefined modules in the template.
When created, launch data will either come from the ClickUp issue (data mapping table) or from the template. Some fields clash between the two sources, here’s the import logic:
Last updated